
Gode Testy

Rencontrez Tilus, notre axonautil joueur! Fabriqué en silicone haut-de-gamme, Tilus mesure 17,5 cm de hauteur, offrant 15 cm insérables de plaisir. Avec un design androgyne unique, une prise en main sûre et une texture douce et veloutée, Tilus élève le plaisir à un nouveau niveau. Ses caractéristiques phosphorescentes ajoutent une touche magique et rigolote que vous n'oublierez pas!

85 € Image 1 Prix de base (420g)
+20 € Image 1 Coloris signature
+15 € Image 1 Brille-dans-le-noir
+15 € Image 1 Ventouse
+5 € Image 1 Sac de protection
OFFERT Image 1 Fiche d'entretien illustrée
Amazing creation
Amazing creation
By Robinistic
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Waaaah omg my Tilus already arrived!! I just unboxed it and I'm sooo impressed by the care you put into everything ;w; All the cute extra things, the business card with a little handwritten message on it, the laminated character art+instructions sheet thingy, how your logo is absolutely everywhere, it's super super charming >w< I finally had the time to try out my Tilus for the first time!! It's so fucking thick omg 0////0 I really had to take my time adjusting to it... But holy shit it felt amazing!! I'm still kinda shaky hahaha
The beautiful horn :3
The beautiful horn :3
by Pouney
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Wow, I really like Tilus, especially because its size is perfect for me as a beginner. The texture is so soft, I love it (I'm a bit sensitive), and to top it all off, I have so much fun with it. It's fantastic work, bravo!

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